Dansideas's Blog

December 18, 2009

Pop singers today

Filed under: A Tought — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , — dansideas @ 3:13 am

Maybe it is just that I am getting older and don’t hear as well as I used to, but how can anyone hear what is being sung by the singers today when the music is louder than the song being sung? Or is it  that the singers today are not as good as the ones used to be and want their voice drowned out so no one knows just how bad they are singing really is? And what happened to the words being able to be understood when they were sung? Don’t remember slurring words being part of singing. Hate to say it but it is also becoming true of country music as well these days. If I want to hear music that is what I listen to, if I want a song, I want to hear and understand it.

Tiger Woods

Filed under: A Tought — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , — dansideas @ 3:01 am

Ok who really cares just how many women Tiger is getting? What does it have to do with how good a golfer he is? His golf is important, his love life is not. Get your noses out of his business. Ha isn’t doing anything that hasn’t been done by damn near every one any how.

December 17, 2009

Banks and Surveys

Filed under: A Tought — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , — dansideas @ 8:28 pm

Why is it that the banks today are trying to screw the people who make the happen? I tried to refinance my single wide mobile home this year and was about to get it closed when all of a sudden the bank decided that they were not going to finance single wides any more. Why I wonder did they do this? They wont make any money out of it? This I doubt as there are so many of us who own single wides and what will happen when it comes time to sell them? What will banks do when the people get tired of paying the higher interest rates they have forced us to pay now and we all quit using our credit cards? The more the banks screw us the less people will use them and the more money they will lose. This is true for credit card companies and yet they are doing this to us. Does no one have any idea of what their future is going to be like when the people revolt against them and say no more to the banks and credit card companies? What is being taught in our business schools that let our country get into the mess it is in these days? When did we as a country not care about our country and only about the money we can steal from the people in it? How can you make more money after you have taken everyone’s money? How can you make money when no one has a job here to buy anything after sending all the jobs to some other country? When did making money for oneself become more important than what happens to other people? When did humanity die in this country? Not sure, but unless you seem to have a lot of money these days, you might not be considered even part of this country anymore. I even notice that in taking surveys, that I don’t get to take a lot of them when I put in my yearly income, guess my opinion is not worth knowing because I don’t make enough money to count anymore. So the only opinions that are going to count in this new world are those of who have money and they are the ones who are making the surveys. Now they can get the opinions to go the way they want, so they say what they want. Just like the banks are doing with the people the will do business with, you got money, welcome, not enough, goodbye sucker! Wake up you big money makers, the little people are the geese that lays them golden eggs, kill us and you lose your income, kill us and then what will you do?

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